Sunday, November 7, 2010

Eclipse! Yes, of course I loved it!

Ok so I had a really great weekend and let me tell you why! I woke up Saturday morning to the sun shining into my room. I was really excited that it was sunny outside because I am totally not ready for winter. I woke up about 7:30 and didn't roll out of bed till 11. It was wonderful. I watched The Parent Trap during that time and just relaxed. I would say that laying in bed for a bit after you wake up is probably one of the most relaxing things ever! I LOVE IT! Once I finally rolled out of bed, I decided to go for a run and it was a great run. I went 3 miles. I have been trying to keep my running up since my 10K and I have been doing pretty good at it. After my run, I showered and got ready for my day. At 4:00 I went to my friend Miki's house. She was having a bunch of our co-workers over for a great feast! JUST LOOK AT THIS PICTURE:
...and that was just the sides! Lasagna, Chicken Pot Pie, and Chicken Salad were the main dishes... yes, plural! ha It was so delicious. The reason for this meal was the celebration of Eclipse finally coming to Japan! So we dined then went to the movies to watch this movie.
I am Team Jacob! You just can't go wrong w/ those muscles!
Was it one of the cheesiest movies I have ever seen?? Well, YES! But I still loved it! I have enjoyed all the Twilight movies. I have not read the books YET! I have the first one sitting on my bookshelf just waiting for me to pick it up, and believe me I will!
So Saturday was pretty great and so was today! I went grocery shopping then a group of us got together for a Christmas Music Exchange! Tonight I have written 5 letters and 2 postcards. I'm like an old lady.... And I am an old lady since Taylor Lautner is like 18 years old....RIDICULOUS! The cute boys are just getting younger and younger....SHAME!

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