WOW! I cannot believe I survived this semester...but, I DID!!!
A word to the wise: Don't break your ankle while in grad school. It doesn't mix well!
Yes, I broke my ankle the end of February, SO FUN! However, I would like to let you know that I took it like a champ!! I was playing volleyball, jumped up for a spike and landed on it wrong. I felt it crack/pop--whatever--and began to laugh. "Umm.. I think there's something wrong with my ankle.." That was my response, and I was right. I broke the tip of my fibula. I now am one step closer to being a bionic woman! My new hardware consists of a metal plate with 6 screws! This should make airport security fun!
Needless to say, I was pretty drugged up for a good few weeks which did not help my schoolwork at all!! I became very behind and basically had to do the majority of my assignments two weeks before they were due. I'm not sure how I was able to accomplish it all but I knew that I had no other choice.
So, yes, I AM DONE! I completed all of my stuff and turned the majority of it in on Monday. The rest of my work was due yesterday which means that now I AM SCHOOL FREE!...until June 4.
I have come to realize that I don't do nothing well. I have to keep busy or else I go crazy. So this next month I will be focusing on my physical therapy, volunteering at the school where I interned, enhancing my amazing guitar skills, reading Harry Potter, watching TV & movies, visiting with family & friends, and CATCHING MY BREATH!
I seriously do not know how I was able to get all of my stuff done. My family would tell you that it is because I'm a HEINRICH! Determination and MUCH prayer is what led to my success! Let's hope that my grades are okay, though!! The prayer hasn't ended yet!
My new theory:
I believe that the month of March just doesn't like me very well. Last year I endured Japan's earthquake and this year I broke my ankle. I think I will crawl into a hole and hibernate during March 2013. However, both experiences have made me much stronger! They won't hold me down. I'm already planning to begin training for my next half marathon once my doctor and physical therapist give me the "okay" to start running again! I actually went swimming today!
I feel like this post is very scattered, so, for those of you that took time out of your precious life to catch a glimpse of mine, I'm sorry! I do appreciate it though. I hope you are overcoming the difficulties of life. Keep your head up and you can and WILL get through whatever is holding you down!
Take that brokeness!!!
(This was about a week after my surgery..I'm now crutchless and rockin' a boot!)