Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Zak Sings

Zak, Colt, & Me

My friend, Zak (far left), is a very talented musician.  
Check out this song: Fifteen Twenty-One
He wrote it for my brother, Kaleb, and his wife, Ashley.  We sang it at their wedding in January. 
This is a recording we did this summer.  I hope you enjoy! 

Also, while you are on Sound Cloud checking out all of Zak's songs.  They are really good! 

Monday, September 3, 2012

Life is hard.

Ok, as most of you know, I complain A LOT! I can pretty much complain about anything.  Is this a good quality?... No, I don't think so!  However, I still do it.  Lately, I have found that my complaining has definitely increased.  Whether I complain about school, people, my body, clothing... whatever! I have come to realize that I do it way too much.  My common excuse for this is that Life is hard.  Well, you know what? I need to GET OVER IT! I have been thinking about this a lot and here is what I have come to realize: 

If life were easy, it would be BORING! 

AND boredom is NO FUN

We need to embrace what life throws at us... the disappointments, the challenges, the failures, the good, the success...EVERYTHING! Every experience we encounter makes us stronger! Just think about it, if we never experience failure then how will we ever know what success feels like?

So this is what I am challenging both myself and you... Let's embrace the disappointments and hardships we encounter and try to find the beauty and good within them.  Stop with the complaints (I'm speaking to myself right now) and accept it! 

Life is never slow or easy, and if it is, then are you really living?! 

Remember SOMEDAY IS TODAY! Stop basking in the should've, could've, would've-s and think about what you CAN DO! It's your life, so start living! 

--Prior to writing this post, I read my good friend's blog and realized that we have been pondering similar things... in some sense! She encouraged me and I hope she encourages you as well! 

 Jane the Philosopher @

Sunday, June 24, 2012

I Sing

Looking at my goals from last year made me realize that I have not accomplished everything I had hoped.  The busy-ness of life got in the way and I continued to put my Someday off. Well now, Someday is TODAY.  
I LOVE singing.  For those of you that know me well, this is common knowledge.  For those of you I just met, this might be some new information. And for those of you I have never met, this is me
After talking with one of my greatest friends, Amber, I found that I had been putting this dream aside.  Do I want to be the next best thing? no.  Do I want to engage in something that brings me joy? YES.  That is what singing does for me.  It makes me happy! 

Here is a rough recording of one of my favorite songs.  I recorded it when I lived in Japan a couple of years ago, so please be nice--I definitely know it is not perfect! :)
I just thought I would take a step and let my voice be heard.  

May the Words of My Mouth

Follow your dreams, and remember SOMEDAY IS TODAY! 

Friday, May 4, 2012

Catching My Breath

WOW! I cannot believe I survived this semester...but, I DID!!! 

A word to the wise: Don't break your ankle while in grad school.  It doesn't mix well! 

Yes, I broke my ankle the end of February, SO FUN! However, I would like to let you know that I took it like a champ!! I was playing volleyball, jumped up for a spike and landed on it wrong.  I felt it crack/pop--whatever--and began to laugh.  "Umm.. I think there's something wrong with my ankle.." That was my response, and I was right.  I broke the tip of my fibula.  I now am one step closer to being a bionic woman! My new hardware consists of a metal plate with 6 screws! This should make airport security fun! 
Needless to say, I was pretty drugged up for a good few weeks which did not help my schoolwork at all!! I became very behind and basically had to do the majority of my assignments two weeks before they were due.  I'm not sure how I was able to accomplish it all but I knew that I had no other choice.  
So, yes, I AM DONE! I completed all of my stuff and turned the majority of it in on Monday.  The rest of my work was due yesterday which means that now I AM SCHOOL FREE!...until June 4.


I have come to realize that I don't do nothing well. I have to keep busy or else I go crazy.  So this next month I will be focusing on my physical therapy, volunteering at the school where I interned, enhancing my amazing guitar skills, reading Harry Potter, watching TV & movies, visiting with family & friends, and CATCHING MY BREATH!  

I seriously do not know how I was able to get all of my stuff done. My family would tell you that it is because I'm a HEINRICH! Determination and MUCH prayer is what led to my success!  Let's hope that my grades are okay, though!! The prayer hasn't ended yet! 

My new theory: 
I believe that the month of March just doesn't like me very well. Last year I endured Japan's earthquake and this year I broke my ankle.  I think I will crawl into a hole and hibernate during March 2013.  However, both experiences have made me much stronger! They won't hold me down.  I'm already planning to begin training for my next half marathon once my doctor and physical therapist give me the "okay" to start running again! I actually went swimming today!  

I feel like this post is very scattered, so, for those of you that took time out of your precious life to catch a glimpse of mine, I'm sorry! I do appreciate it though.  I hope you are overcoming the difficulties of life.  Keep your head up and you can and WILL get through whatever is holding you down! 

Take that brokeness!!! 
(This was about a week after my surgery..I'm now crutchless and rockin' a boot!)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

A NEW Year, the SAME Amazing Family

2012--I can't believe it! 

It seems like just yesterday my brothers and I were catching horny toads to play with in our sandbox.  Now, we are all grown up and living our own lives.  If you know me, you know that I deeply care about my family.  I am very fortunate to have been blessed with two very loving parents and two amazing brothers.  It is very neat to see where life has taken us these past few years.  Geographically, many many miles have been placed between us all, but miles can't keep us apart.  In fact, I would say that it has brought us closer, and I know that it will never negatively affect the love we have for one another.  This past year, we welcomed Logan & Ashley to the Heinrich clan.  I honestly could not pick better matches for my brothers.  Logan definitely completes Colton and Ashley definitely completes Kaleb.  I am overjoyed with the fact that they are part of the family now and I am so excited for the time that we will spend together in the future.  There is no doubt in my mind that God is in both of their marriages.  Their relationships make me excited for what is to come in my life.  I am not anywhere even close to marriage right now, but I am blessed that I am surrounded by God-centered marriages so that I know not to settle for anything less.
I know that 2012 is going to be a wonderful year for my family. Yes, I'm sure it will be filled with tears (we cry a lot) of joy and sadness but no matter what, the love that we have for each other will continue to grow!!  

 Mom & Dad- Thank you for all the prayers and support you have given me these past 24 years.  I couldn't have asked for better parents.  

 The kids

Ashley HEINRICH & Logan HEINRICH-- I am so glad you are reppin' the HEINRICH name!!

Mom, Dad, Kaleb, Ashley, Colton, and Logan:

Happy Birthday Mom!