I learned two very fun things that I would like to share with you. One is air writing and the other is... you will just have to wait to here about that one! Air writing, that is pretty self-explanatory! You can try it right here and right now! Stick out your arm and hold out two fingers (think stewardess). Now, write the letter "a". Way to go, you just learned how to air write. Easy, right?! Now, stick out your opposite arm and hold out two fingers. This time write the letter "a", but a mirror image of what you just did. Easy?? Not so much! Try it with "s", that will get you to really think! We learned how to write the mirror image of every letter of the alphabet today, you really have to think about it! I encourage you to try. Then once you have accomplished that, try to write a word. Remember, that when we read or write, normally we go from left to right, so if we were mirroring that, you would write your word from right to left. GOOD LUCK!
Well, my 2nd exciting event today was driving! Yes, the Japanese drive on the left side of the road. Yes, the steering wheel is on the right side of the car. Yes, I survived! So not only did I mirror writing today, I also mirrored driving in the states! I was nervous of course, but no one was hurt, so that should say something!!! I did however get very close to a guard rail at one point (the roads are very narrow here). I also accidently hit the windshield wipers instead of the blinker. They are also reversed in the car. But since it was sprinkling today, the windshield wiper mishap did not give away my American self. Now, if it were a bright and sunny day and my windshield wipers started going off, that probably would have made me stick out like a sore thumb!
So all in all, those were my exciting adventures in Japan today! I found out that I could mirror a lot of different things and I like to think I was successful at it all! Feels good!
I get to drive more tomorrow......